Sunday, October 20, 2013

Math + Robotics

Since the introduction of the assembly line, and perhaps even before, robotics has influenced art in different ways. It was the assembly line that formed the basis of future robot and human interaction in things like movies and art work in general. Since the assembly line was the first time that machine and human worked in unison, and in some ways replaced the tasks of human workers, it was natural for others to speculate what the true capacity of robots would be in the future. The idea of an object with no human emotion can take the pace of a real person is frightening, so perhaps it was these fear that led some to portray robots  as evil. 


Movies like I Robot, Terminator and Transformer are examples of how the future of robotics is difficult for people to imagine without the background of fear and betrayal of artificial intelligence. In all the movies, robots turn on their human creators or counterparts. These movies, while valid expressions of art, reveal the general public's feelings on robots and the future. 

The influence that robotics has on art goes far beyond inspiration for movies and reason behind fear, it also influences the way art is made. In Walter Bejamin's essay, Benjamin discusses the reproduction of art using machines. This reproduction has made art readily available and copies or prints of original work has made it otherwise expensive art easy for  all people to afford. However, Benjamin reveals that there is another side to the mass production of art made possible by robotics. The reproduction of art affects how people value and look at art. With art made available to the masses by reproduction, it is difficult for most to see the true value in art. Benjamin also states that the unique aspects of art are changed in mass reproductions through robotics. 
Even so, there are others that feel that robotics will one day be an extension of the human form. With inventions like google glasses, that allow for users to create mini movies or works of art, the future of robots, art, and humans seems more accessible and less negative overall.


Benjamin, Walter. "Thw Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction." (1936): n. pag. Print.
"Brooklyn Woman Uses Google Glass To Show What It's Like To Be A Modern Artist."Business Insider. N.p., n.d. Web. Oct. 2013.
Satell, Greg. "Should We Fear The Rise Of The Robots?" Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 04 May 2013. Web. Oct. 2013.
UCOnline Program. "Robotics MAchikoKushara."Web.

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